Application for Admission
Please complete this application for admission of students applying to Yeshiva Sha'arei Zion High School for Girls.

Student Information
Grade your child is currently in*

Applicant's Legal First Name*
Applicant's Legal Last Name*

Name the Applicant goes by*

Applicant's Full Hebrew Name*

Street Address*
Zip code*

Home Telephone*

Date of Birth*
Place of Birth*

Current School*

If you selected Other for Current School, please write it below
Grades Attended*

Has your child attended any other schools previously?*

If yes, please list them and the grades attended below*

Did your daughter take any advanced high school courses in middle school (e.g. Accelerated Algebra)?*

If yes to the above question, please specify below.

Does your daughter have an IEP or 504 accommodation plan and/or receive district services?*

If yes to the above question, please specify below.

Does your daughter have any allergies?

Teacher Reference:*
Reference Phone Number:*

Please upload a picture of your daughter here:*